Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Blog!

We've talked about getting this blog started before Spencer baby is welcomed into the world... in about 50 days!

I plan on using this space to show our pictures to our wonderful friends and family... and to update with what we're doing around the Spencer Compound! Whether it's updates with our property and animals, me attempting the sewing machine, knitting and new recipes, working out and nutrition post-baby, Attachment Parenting, babywearing, cloth-diapering, baby Spencer milestones and laughs - and anything else that comes to mind. Feedback is always welcome!

WJ @ 32 weeks pregnant.

This baby is kicking me all the time... and I love it! Sara (our midwife) visited yesterday and updated us that the baby is currently transverse (sideways) and there are a few poses to try to get to see if we can get the baby to turn. So, today - downward dog, labor lunges, pelvic tilits, squats, and even typing this blog while sitting on the exercise ball... have been done more than once! Heartbeat was around 150 - still lots of guesses to whether it's a boy or a girl! Currently feeling lots of movement up in my ribs - I think it's baby's hands!

First sewing project starts tomorrow. I'm washing the fabric right now to make my first crib sheet. This should be interesting!

Weaning calves happened on Sunday and this afternoon we'll be vaccinating before we sell them. Our cows will definitely be missed, but I'm assured that we'll have them back in the spring. Until then, I'll just need to keep busy with Gooseyboy & Sadie, chickens, pigs & ducks!