Wednesday, November 9, 2011

...and fall adventures are upon us!

Now that Hyatt is growing and learning SO fast, we really focus on making time each day to be outside! The more I learn about Waldorf mentality, the more I see in my own child how his rhythms are still at one with nature and having that movement and that time to explore outside is better than any toy!

He's really fixated on figuring out Grampy's face

practicing bow-hunting with papa

"Hi, everyone! I'm a big shot in the backhoe with papa!"

Planting Hyatt's placenta with his tree

A Crimson Spire Oak - strong and sturdy

this boy has done some traveling in his 10 months... and LOVES when we get the suitcase out!

Grammy Etue bought him a chicken outfit for Halloween! I think he'll be our new egg spokeman!

Our ducks

chickens and ducks co-habitate well around here!

with Pops

Hadley loves feeding the chickens with her Daddy

Grant and Lindsey watched Hyatt for the night so Garrett and I could have a date night. These two crack us up when they're together!

Amy and Rahul brought some new clothes and funny hats, toys for Hyatt
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My 10 month old BOY

Yes, folks... Hyatt is officially a LITTLE BOY  now. Gone is our baby. At dinner, he makes funny faces at us to make us laugh, he loves feeding Gooseyboy and putting food in his hair. He literally will RUN down the hallway, especially if you're chasing him, loves being naked and giving kisses (he's figured out how to make 'real' kissing sounds), adores being outside and on the 4-wheeler (he will cry 99% of the time when he's taken inside). He's hilarious and into every single thing that isn't locked down. Yesterday, for example, I think he took out my pots and pans (and put them back) 5 times!

Here are his 10 month pictures... weighing in at 21 pounds and 30"!

Braschler wedding and Hadley's First Birthday!

Yes, mama is a slacker! We've been on the go the month of October, traveling to Minnesota in an RV with Grammy and Grampy Spencer, Uncle Grant, Aunt Lindsey, and Hadley, Great-Uncle Stan and Great-Aunt Cindi to see Garrett's cousin Stacey get married and to visit with all of our Minnesota family. What a fun trip!

Grammy and Grampy with their grandkids

Pretty princess

Our wild man - yes, he's obsessed with steering wheels (and climbing)!

my handsome family

Hyatt is obsessed with kisses and hugs... here he is, attacking his "cousin" Jordan

such a beautiful wedding!

Ms. Mae was QUITE animated opening up her presents (specifically just for clothes)!
kisses for the birthday girl

Brianna's one of his favorite girls

We love you so much Hadley Mae! We're so excited to see what you discover and accomplish in the 2nd year of your life!