Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The beginning of teething...

Yes, it does seem a bit early... but our boy has all the signs of starting to teeth - drool faucet, gnawing on everything that little mouth touches, random acts of irritability! :) I snapped a progression of trying to get one of his favorite animals, Sophie, in his mouth...

I. Want. Sophie. In. My. Mouth

I can get my hands in my mouth...

Mama... can you help?

I see my Mama!

Hmmm... let's start over... Sophie. Mouth.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mr. March Madness

A lot happened in March... and Hyatt's got a few pictures to prove it!

Uncle Dominic holding me!

Laughing Leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day!

The Etue "Clan"
Crowned "Mr. St. Patrick"!
My new cow diaper and cowboy boots (who doesn't wear this?!) :)

Arizona's Naked Boy

Hyatt, my Dad and I travelled to Arizona for Grandma Etue's 91st birthday. We had SUCH a great time and Hyatt got a lot of sun on his little bare bum. Everyone out there was so wonderful and we definitely enjoyed the 85+ degree weather. We missed Papa though - he was happy when we got home!

Mr. Sleepyhead the morning of our departure (he doesn't wake up much before 8)!

Mr. Cool Guy... my Mom found him these!

91 years old! Happy Birthday (Great) Grandma!

This made me so happy... the first time our diapers have met the sun!

Uncle Tony & Hyatt

4 Generations

our handsome boy

Pops and his Grandson

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hyatt's Travels!

Hyatt and I just got back from a week in Arizona with Pops (my Dad), Great-Grandma Etue, Uncle Tony, Aunt Mary and Uncle Ronnie. I'll make a separate post with those pictures, but before that, we've been all over the west side of the state seeing The Firek's, my Mom & Dominic and the Fennville basketball game (the last one they won). Here are some photos of the little man and his favorite people!

On our way to Grand Rapids! Thank you for the Wallabee Aunt Teri!

First time Uncle Dominic is holding his nephew

Happily getting his diaper changed at the shop! Hyatt has been rolling over since 9 weeks old - bare butt and all!
Grammy loving it!

Grammy held me through most of the game... and I slept (through buzzers and yelling)!

In my basketball outfit. Thanks Babcia (we're trying it out... Polish word for Grandmother -- my Mom)

I love kisses from my Papa and his pokey beard!