Monday, February 21, 2011

Bellies and Babies: Throughout Time - Throughout the World: Baby Weari...

Nicole was our first midwife assistant and she has a wonderful blog... check it out! Plus, the article below shows a history of baby-wearing along with all the amazing benefits!

Bellies and Babies: Throughout Time - Throughout the World: Baby Weari...: "'It is especially necessary for the parental generation of the human species to fully understand what the immaturity of its infants real..."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Co-Sleeping works for us...

So far, co-sleeping has benefitted us immensely. All of the seven items below give us even more faith that we're making the right decisions.

peaceful parenting: Seven Benefits of CoSleeping: "By William Sears, M.D. Posted with permission Read more from Sears at, in The Baby Sleep Book, Nighttime Parenting, The Fussy..."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Our first trip Up North!

Garrett and I decided to take our first family trip up north... Hyatt needs to see where he'll be having a lot of fun in the future - fishing with his Uncle Allen on the Betsey River, making smores with grandma and grandpa, canoeing... the list goes on and on! We had such a relaxing and wonderful weekend with fires in the fireplace and snuggling with our little boy.

getting ready to get on the road!

Chillin in his car seat
It was cold when we got up there!

his hands are so expressive... he gets so relaxed sleeping with daddy

Goose is still warming up to his new brother

Sewing for my BOY!

Here's a website I love and all week this week they're doing tutorials for sewing for boys... Just thought I'd share!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Vaccine Debate... 1983 v 2010

peaceful parenting: CDC Mandatory Vaccine Schedule: 1983 vs 2010: "As of late, I've heard several (well intentioned) grandparents use the following argument in favor of blindly vaccinating with any and all ..."