Thursday, September 27, 2012

21 months!

He's getting so big. He loves being mamas helper in the kitchen, cleaning up and bringing things for baby Gwen. He still loves kissing her and singing her songs. Lately he's taken a real interest in the potty and we rarely have any misses during the day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gwenny - 3 months!

Our little miss is growing up! No longer in her newborn dipes, smiling and laughing galore! She laughs with her whole body and lights up when she sees her brother. We love her to pieces!

She's 12.1 pounds and almost 25" long!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hadley and Hyatt

These two really do love each other! They get kiddie cocktails at Grammy & Grampy's house and have learned the process quickly!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Summer is winding down and Elimination Communication

What an amazing summer it's been! Here are some recent photos.

We've been listening to some of Gwen's potty cues and some days she only goes on the potty and not in her diaper. Other days we only 'catch' 3-4 pees. It's like magic, but unbelievable! Babies are much smarter than we give them credit for. Gwen is actually peeing on the potty in that picture, and as you can see, she's happy about it! Some people call this EC or Elimination Communication.

Oh... Go Blue!

Up North Adventures

Garrett and I finally got up to the Spencer family cabin for some R&R. We all loved our time up there.