Monday, April 4, 2011

April's showers...

April is here and so are our baby chicks and lots of rain! We are welcoming spring with open arms and Hyatt loves being outside and feeling the sun and wind on his cheeks.

Hyatt and Hadley had another photo shoot this last week after the Hybels bought matching pj's for the cousins... plus, Hyatt got to spend time with his Uncle Q watching basketball!

Hey - Happy Easter!

Hadley & Hyatt with their Grammy


Ms. Hadley has much more hand-eye coordination and loved grabbing for Hyatt's chubby cheeks... this picture cracked me up!

pretty little girl

Mmmm... her hands taste good too!

Mary Jo Creevy bought these outfits for the babies before they were even born... and she guessed correctly on the genders!

Uncle Q and Hyatt

Charley loved trying to kiss Hyatt

a familiar site... chubby cheeks peeking out of the wrap