Thursday, June 30, 2011

6 months old!

Oh, our little boy... where it the time going! You're 6 months old and SUCH a WONDERFUL BABY!
You weighed in at 17.2 pounds and a little bit over 28"... Tall and skinny!

You're crawling, rolling, laughing, eating foods (holding it yourself and feeding), you have 5 teeth and LOVE your papa, his guitar, books, anything with water, Goose (and any doggie) - or any animal for that matter. Your favorite songs are "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "You Are My Sunshine" (and you don't mind mama's poor singing voice).

We love you!

Hugging my Aunt Teri bear

As always, he's fascinated with Papa's guitar!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day

From the minute Hyatt arrived in this world and lifted his head to look right into his Papa's eyes, I saw Garrett light up. The way these two look at each other warms my heart every single time it happens. Whether it's the first glance at papa in the morning before he goes to work, Hyatt smiles and wiggles over to grab Garrett's beard and flail his legs... or when he's in my wrap and he hears Garrett's voice when he comes home from work, I can just feel Hyatt's energy ramp up. He LOVES his Papa. Being a father comes naturally to Garrett and every day I find a way to love him a little bit more. I tell him this enough, and I know he may get sick of it, but I'm pretty darn lucky. Happy Father's Day to the best papa.

(...and I need to make sure to tell my own father and father-in-law Happy Father's Day too - we love you SO much and thank you for all that you do for us!)
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Just like his mama

Mama loves laundry and books... and so does her boy!

my teeth are still coming!

His toys are on the other side of the rug... somehow he manages to crawl over and pull each book out, look at it, open it up and then move onto the next one. This makes me so happy!

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Boating Babe

This weekend was so beautiful we were outside as much as possible. Luckily, Grant, Lindsey & Hadley invited us on their boat! The babies loved it and didn't seem phased even when the boat was rocking!

Hyatt and his Papa

Mama loves her little man

The new Spencer Boston Whaler
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It's time to put these chompers to use!

This little baby is turning into a little boy SO FAST! He now has 3 teeth, all on top and has been grabbing for our food & utensils for a few weeks now... so, here comes the real food! We're making our own food (big surprise, right?) and so far sweet potatoes, pears and avocadoes are favorites!

We let him 'practice' with his spoon for a week to make sure he was still interested in our food... and he was!

Happy, happy eater boy!

I'm still amazed he immediately knows what to do!
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Hyatt's first baseball game was to see his Uncle Dominic play... We can't wait until our little man gets bigger and his Uncle D & Uncle Q can be his all-star coaches!

Hyatt & his Grammy
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 months!

Wow... a lot has happened in the last month of Hyatt's life. He's gone through scooting and now is popping up on all 4's and bouncing back and forth. His first tooth officially popped on June 1 and now the second top one has come through also. This boy has smiled and giggled through it all. He's officially addicted to Papa's guitar - he'll crawl over to it and just laugh. This is now a nightly ritual in our family!

kisses for my Aunt Teri bear