While learning and working within the Waldorf mentality, a big focus of our rhythm has been really focusing on getting Hyatt outside for at least one hour everyday. This includes letting him get as dirty as he can, explore as much as possible, and just go wherever his spirit takes him. I think I'm enjoying it as much as he is, and my camera is certainly delighting in capturing these moments!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
One of my favorite moments
There are many moments in parenting that make you pause and recognize just how amazing the life you've created is. For me, this is one of those moments... not only recognizing what a miracle Hyatt is, but what an amazing father Garrett is.
The boys were out before bathtime, in the darkness, readying to feed the chickens. Garrett had Hyatt in the front carrier, all bundled up in the (very) brisk night, walking out to the coop. All of a sudden, Garrett said that Hyatt just tilted his hed back and his mouth fell open, in complete awe of the stars. He's never seen the stars before. So, Garrett just stopped, and they both stared up at the stars for a while.
I am so privileged to have married a man that delights in the joy of his child recognizing the beauty in such small things, the small things that so many others overlook. My wish for Hyatt and our other children is to always be able to pause, and stare in awe at the beauty of a starry night.
Fun times with Dominic and Grandpa Etue
We ended up being able to swing a short notice trip to stay in Brighton for a long weekend. Sadly, my Mom was in Florida visiting her Mom, but we'll make sure to make the trip over there again soon. Garrett had plans to be out of town and I thought it would be nice to be spoiled for a few days (and we definitely were)! Even though I dragged him to all of my favorite pregnancy craving restaurants (Zingermans, Thai, Mediterranean) - he willingly obliged! Our food choices are a bit limited here on the west side of the state at times! He also became quite educated at the natural diapering/baby stores and deciphering Hyatt's sign language. We were lucky to be able to spend such special time with him.

Uncle Dominic made time for us in his busy schedule - obviously these two get along pretty well!

Uncle Dominic made time for us in his busy schedule - obviously these two get along pretty well!
Loving Pregnancy - 4 months!
Finally the belly has officially popped! Not just looking round(er), finally looking pregnant. It's amazing to think that I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow - halfway through this pregnancy. I'm loving it! We're feeling the baby regularly move, and the baby does seem to be more active whenever I'm nursing Hyatt. I have gotten the "You're still nursing?!" comment pretty regularly (even though it's said lovingly). Yes, we're still nursing. I just finished reading a book called "Adventures in Tandem Nursing", and nursing both of these babies at the same time I'm sure will be an adventure. However, many studies (and other mothers) have shown that it's best nutritionally to nurse for at least two years, that tandem nursing creates a stronger bond between siblings and also decreases jealousy issues regarding the new baby.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
13 Month Big Boy
What an amazing month! When I compare this January to last January... obviously having a 13 month old compared to a 1 month old - there are huge changes and life has much more rhythm to it. Hyatt is the happiest child I have ever been around. He is really starting and trying to put words with objects and he's learning SO quickly! He can identify and say ball and dog and then look at or point to nose, ears, fan, diaper, water... the list goes on and on. He is a kissing machine and has so many funny looks, especially when he wants someone new to really look at him!
I am also purely loving our nursing relationship... he can sign nurse (the sign for milk) and it's made our relationship so much easier. Now I know when he's feeling needy for some special mama time, rather than just having to guess. I am so thankful that we are extending nursing past one year, and that I'm able to continue nursing through this pregnancy.
13 month stats:
32.5" tall
22 pounds
12 teeth
I am also purely loving our nursing relationship... he can sign nurse (the sign for milk) and it's made our relationship so much easier. Now I know when he's feeling needy for some special mama time, rather than just having to guess. I am so thankful that we are extending nursing past one year, and that I'm able to continue nursing through this pregnancy.
13 month stats:
32.5" tall
22 pounds
12 teeth
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